Sunday, February 24, 2008

Personal Reflections

When I first signed up for this course, I had no idea what to expect. I thought the course might be just a basic introduction to programs such as Excel, PowerPoint, etc., and I might not get much out of it. Boy, was I wrong! The programs and topics we are covering are much more interesting, but also much more challenging. I am a definite novice when it comes to pretty much everything we have studied, and I feel like I've been living in the Dark Ages...I had no idea some of these things even existed. I had never heard of Inspiration and had no clue what Web Quests were.
At first I felt overwhelmed by all this unfamiliar territory, but I'm beginning to feel a bit more comfortable with it. I'm so glad we have so many outside resources to turn to, otherwise I know I would be completely lost and/or living in the computer lab during lab hours. The books are great, as are the iTunes tutorials and the resources on the MD 400 website. To be honest, I sometimes feel a little lost or behind in class and am hesitant to ask for help for fear of sounding dumb or slowing the class down. So it's good to know that there are lots of places I can turn for answers to my questions.
One thing I definitely didn't anticipate was the amount of time I would have to dedicate to doing work; Professor Langran did give us fair warning at the beginning of the semester about that, and she was right! The projects are definitely time-consuming, so one of my goals for the rest of the semester is to manage my time better so I'm working on projects more consistently instead of in spurts.
Overall, I'm pretty happy with the class and what we're covering. I feel like I'm discovering a whole new world! It's a great feeling to overcome some of my frustrations and be able to figure out how to navigate this complex but fascinating world of technology.


Elizabeth Langran said...

Great, I'm so glad to hear that even though you feel challenged in this class and are learning lots of new things, you also feel that there is adequate support. Remember that Jennifer is a great person to work with one-on-one. I do recommend that you try to give yourself structured time to work on your website each week - even though it looks like you have your basic design and you have multiple pages, there is still no content, and the end of the semester will sneak up on us very quickly. Working on it every week will also help ensure that you remember how to work with NVu. I am looking forward to seeing your digital story!

Elizabeth Langran said...

Please note that as we have moved on to a class blog, I will no longer be checking your personal blog unless you let me know that you have a new post for me to read.